Phrases motivation study work

Life is full of changes, because from the moment we are born until we grow up we have certain obligations to fulfill and goals to achieve; therefore, it is ideal to use motivational study work phrases throughout the days.

And the best of all is that you can incorporate the work study motivation phrases to the images that you like the most, to give them a totally original touch.


What is the importance of studying and working?

Study and work are key to development and self-improvement, since to seize diverse knowledge we must study in any of the areas that we like; and then we can put into practice everything learned through a job.


Why make use of work study motivation phrases?

  • Because they help children, adolescents and adults who are studying, so that they feel
  • They are great for getting through tough times at work.
  • They can be sent to whoever you want, through the social networks of the moment.

Phrases motivation study work for the children for the children

Children are definitely the most precious gift that life gives us, because it is through them that we can give the best of ourselves and demonstrate the magnitude of the love that we harbor within.

And it is key to support them at all times, that is why we have compiled for you these motivational phrases study work:

  1. You must be the change you want to see in
  2. Opportunities don’t just happen, you create them.
  3. It’s so much fun to achieve the impossible.
  4. Tell me and I forget, teach me and I remember, involve me and I learn.
  5. My son, never stop believing, never stop fighting for your dreams… you are not what you achieve, you are what you show.


Good morning study work motivation phrases

Every sunrise is a new opportunity to kick-start our creativity and bring out the inner child that we carry inside. And it is that the light of the sun lets us know that we have another chance to try.

And it is convenient to find additional ways to stay afloat, such as the following good morning study motivation phrases:

  1. Work hard, quietly, and let your success do all the work.
  2. Focus on what you want and you will see the opportunities arrive.
  3. Only if you dare to have great failures will you end up achieving great successes.
  4. Geniuses do not depend on their talent. Even if you have it, if you don’t study and develop it, it will just become cobwebbed and worthless.
  5. It is not individuals that make companies successful, but teams.

Work study motivation phrases for couples

Sharing our lives with another person is definitely a crucial decision, as it involves great commitment and responsibility.

For this reason, it is vital that we support those we love, and a nice way to do it is by sending these motivational study work phrases for couples:

  1. With the right partner, success comes fast.
  2. If you want to go fast go alone, if you want to go far go together.
  3. All hard work has a trip as a reward.
  4. Life is not easy, surely you will fall at some point, but I will always be here to lend you my hand or to sit by your side while everything happens.
  5. I don’t expect you to be the best, because for me you already are.



1.- Of all the things you wear, your attitude is the most important.

2.- Motivation is the fuel of the brain.

3.- Going together is starting, staying together is progressing, working together is success.

4.- Working hard for something that interests us is called stress. Working hard for something we love is called passion.

5- Teamwork is the ability to work together towards a common vision.

6.- It doesn’t matter how slowly you go, as long as you don’t stop. (Confucius)

7.- Continuous effort, not force or intelligence. It is the key to unleashing our potential. (Winston Churchill).

8.- Only those who dare to suffer great failures are capable of achieving great successes. (Will Smith).

9.- Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again hoping to get different results. (Albert Einstein).

10.- If you work passionately and truly convinced of what you are doing, you will have found the key to success.

11.- Confidence in oneself is the first secret of success. (Ralp Waldo Emerson).

12.- Success is not achieved only with special qualities. Above all, a work of perseverance, method and organization. (Victor Hugo).

13.- Do not wait for opportunities to come alone. You have to make it happen. (Dnis Diderot).

14.- Whenever they ask you if you can do a job, answer Yes! And start learning how to do it right away. (Franklin Delano Roosevelt).

15.- An intelligent man is not the one who has many ideas but the one who takes advantage of the few he has.

16.- In Chinese, two strokes are used to write the word crisis: one means danger and the other means opportunity. In the midst of a crisis, keep an eye out for danger without losing sight of opportunity.

17.- Discipline is the most important ingredient of success. (Truman Capote).

18.- If you think you can’t, you’re right. If you think you can, you’re right. Either way, you’ll be right. (HenryFord).

19.- Motivation drives us to start a habit. Habit allows us to continue. (Jim Ryum).

20.- When we do not know which port we are going to, all the winds are unfavorable.

21.- The entrepreneur always seeks change, responds to it and uses it as an opportunity. (Peter Drucker).

22.- Always give your 100%. Put everything you are into the least you do. (Fernando Pessoa).

23.- A leader is someone who knows the way, walks the way and shows the way. (John C. Maxwell).

24.- Do not look for errors, look for the solution. (HenryFord).

25.- From a small seed a powerful trunk can grow.

26.- Normally, what we are most afraid of doing is what we most need to do. (Timothy Ferriss).

27.- Dedicate your life to what you are passionate about. I don’t want to make a living, I want to live. (Oscar Wilde).

28.- To direct people, walk behind them. (Lao Tzu).

29.- Your big opportunity may be right where you are now. (Napoleon Hill).

30.- I am not afraid of dying, I am afraid of not trying.

31.- The success of life always consists in moving forward.

32.- Give it light and the darkness will disappear by itself. (Erasmus).

33.- A great life begins inside. (Malka Maxwell).

34.- Who does not love his job, even working all day, will be unemployed. (Facundo Cabral).

35.- Try to be a rainbow in someone’s cloud

36.- 80% of success is simply based on insisting. (Woody Allen).

37.- People are often working hard on the wrong thing. Working on the right thing is probably more important than working hard. (Catherine Fake).

38.- Success is the sum of small efforts repeated one day in and the other, too. (Robert Collier).

39.- If you think you can, you’re already halfway there. (Theodore Roosevelt).

40.- Someday it is a disease that will take your dreams to the grave with you.

41.- The work that is never started is the one that takes the longest to finish. (JRR Tolkien).

42.- When you lose, don’t lose the lesson. (Dalai Lama).

43.- Success depends on insisting. (Sophocles).

44.- I have learned that mistakes can be as good teachers as success. (Jack Welch).

45.- Do something wonderful. People will imitate him.

46.- Talent wins games but teamwork and intelligence win championships. (Michael Jordan).

47.- Do what you can, with what you have, where you are. (Theodore Roosevelt).

48.- Do it or don’t do it, but don’t try it. (Yoda-Star Wars).

49.- Diligence is the mother of good fortune. (Benjamin Disreali).

50.- Innovation distinguishes a leader from a follower.