Wisdom Quotes

Wisdom Quotes are quotes that have a lot of wisdom and are said by some of the greatest living intellects of all time. These quotes will make you think and reflect upon life in general. Many people love to use the wisdom quotes as a way to impress others, or just for them to have … Read more

Truth quotes

The quote “I’ll tell you the truth when I need to,” comes from a famous book written by Mark Twain. It has been altered slightly to fit today’s society. In fact, a lot of people would find it un-PC for a truth telling quote from Twain. However, if you look deeper into the quote, you’ll … Read more

Time Quotes

It seems that Time Quotes is one of those “must haves” of our culture. No matter what we are doing, we seem to always need to be thinking of having a quick sayings or quotes attributed to us. We can thank Mr. Twain for the quote: “A man’s got to do what he can, though … Read more

Success quotes

The power of success quotes really lies in being able to identify your own personal strengths and weaknesses, and using that as the fuel for your success or failure. When you understand your own uniqueness and what makes you tick, then you can use that to overcome all of the challenges that you may face. … Read more

Spirituality Quotes

When you start reading a few Spirituality Quotes, it may seem a little too abstract for you. After all, isn’t enlightenment about being and feeling as separate from your body as much about getting in touch with the brain than anything else? That would make sense, though you’d think that someone who knew such great … Read more

Science quotes

Science quotes were used by laymen alike before there was a proper scientific method. Nowadays, a great deal more is known about the universe and the processes that go on in it. Albert Einstein was famous for his theory of relativity. Everyone knows that light has an energy that makes it move. The speed with … Read more

Romance quotes

Romance is an important part of any relationship, whether it’s a loving relationship or lust. When considering romance as part of your future together, you may be wondering what types of romance quotes are appropriate for you to use. Romantic quotes strike up pictures of romantic candlelight dinners, cozy, slow music, and intimate conversations with … Read more

Religion quotes

Religion quotes are everywhere in the news. The topic of religion is now big business. Many well-known authors and entertainers have created lines of verse about religion. Most people know them by name, such as: “oughties,” ” prayed for,” “revelations,” “god is love,” etc. Some of the more famous ones are: Benjamin Franklin, Robert Ingersoll, … Read more

Philosophy quotes

Philosophy quotes come in a variety of different formats; one of which books containing a large number of them. Another way is to search for them online and read through. Some websites also have free Philosophy Quotes. You can often use the internet to find out more about Philosophy and its related subjects. If you … Read more